GM Case-3

GM Case-3
Case scenerio....... 

Hi, this is P. Vennela, IIIrd BDS. This is an online eblog book discuss our patients health data after taking her consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio. 

                     CASE HISTORY
Patient details:
A 60 yrs old female resident of Nalgonda came to hospital. 
Chief complaints:
Dry cough: since 2 days
Shortness of breath: since 1 day
Chest pain :since 1 day
Fever since :since 1 day
Decrease in urine output : since 1 day. 
History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back. 
Then she started complaining of dry cough since 2 days associated with chest pain. 
She also complained shortness of breath since 1 day which is insidious onset and gradually progressive in naturenature and It is Grade - 3
i.e shortness of breath on doing less than ordinary . 
She also complained of decrease in urine out put i.e oliguria since 1 day. 
History of past illness:
No diabetes, BP, Asthama, Seizures, TB or any heart diseases. 
Personal history:
Allergies: Not allergic to any substances
Addictions: No. 
Family history:
No significant family history. 
General examination:
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative. 
Icterus: No
Cyanosis: No
Clubbing of fingers: No
Edema: seen. 
Questions of patient:
How much time does it take to cure? 
What are reasons for decreased urine output? 

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